Saturday, June 29, 2024

Musings on Morality as a Critical Component of Democracy, but as the Enemy of Peace

By Rudy Barnes, Jr., June 29, 2024

Stephen Walt has asserted that morality is the enemy of peace.  By way of contrast, Thomas Jefferson considered the teachings of Jesus “the most sublime moral code ever designed by man.”  It’s summarized in the greatest commandment to love God and our neighbors of other races and religions as we love ourselves, and was taken from the Hebrew Bible, taught by Jesus and accepted by Muslim scholars as a common word of faith.  It’s a moral imperative for Jews, Christians and Muslims to be reconciled as children of God.

Reconciliation is a moral imperative that doesn’t require consensus on contentious political issues--only a commitment to minimize issues of race and religion that polarize politics.  Race and interfaith differences exacerbated by nationalism have polarized politics and stifled religious and political reconciliation in both the U.S. and Israel more so than other moral issues.

Morality in politics comes in many forms, with some moral standards more fundamental to peace than others.  Religious and political leaders often fail to acknowledge the importance of racial and political reconciliation as moral priorities that can prevent political polarization and violence.  Hatred, not the moral imperative of reconciliation, is the primary enemy of peace.

Mysticism and morality are both the province of faith.  Mysticism is about belief in God, while morality is about how we relate to each other.  Exclusivist beliefs that limit salvation to a specific religion can create religious hatred and polarize politics.  Jesus was a Jew who never favored any one religion--not even his own--over others.  The moral priority of religion and politics should be to promote reconciliation, not to condemn morality as the enemy of peace.

Stephen Walt noted that “overzealousness, rigidity and excessive moralizing in religion can be obstacles to finding effective solutions to difficult international issues.”  That may be true, but religious reconciliation has always helped resolve difficult issues.  There are many moral issues between people of different faiths that have defied resolution, but that doesn’t implicate morality as the enemy of peace.

Democracy and self-determination are valid moral principles that were applied in the American War of Independence, the Civil War, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.  They led to different results with slavery a major factor in the  U.S.  Morality continues to be a major factor in those political contests and in both the Ukraine/Russia war and the Israel Hamas war.

The Civil War In America reflected the failure of the White Christian church to condemn the immorality of slavery and racism, until Dr. Martin Luther King initiated the civil rights movement in the mid-20th century.  A similar split between Jews and Muslims has continued to lead to religious wars in the Middle East.  

Will Christians, Jews and Muslims ever accept the moral imperative to be reconciled as children of God in pluralistic democracies? 


On Stephen Walt’s article on Morality as the enemy of Peace, see


On Thomas Jefferson’s belief that the moral teachings of Jesus were the most sublime moral code ever designed by man, see

On Musings on the relevance of the morality of Jefferson’s Jesus in the 21st Century, see

On Civil Religion, Christian Nationalism, and Cancel Culture in the U.S. and Russia, see (March 26, 2022).

Jon Meacham described the critical relationship between democracy and morality at (thanks to Sid Gates; start watching a 1:09). 

An afterword for my readers:  Like you, I’m worn down by the heat.  I apologize ahead of time for the lack of regular weekly commentaries for the rest of the summer.  Stay cool, if you can.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Musings on the Hope for a Second Coming of a Messiah in Israel

     By Rudy Barnes, Jr., June 22, 2024

I agree entirely with Thomas L. Friedman’s commentary in the NY Times on June 18.  The caption to my commentary is only a hopeful hint of what could happen in Israel.  Over 2,000 years ago Jesus appeared in that troubled Roman backwater with God’s promise of peace, but the Christian religion blew the opportunity to get it right.  Maybe we’ll get it right this time around.

God’s will and democracy should be compatible, but looking at Israel, Russia and America today you wouldn’t know it.  The teachings of Jesus on reconciliation and peace are summarized in the greatest commandment to love God and our neighbors, including those of other races and religions, as we love ourselves; but the lust for power has corrupted God’s love.

The greatest commandment is taken from the Hebrew Bible, and considered a common word of faith by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, but it has not been uniformly promoted by those Abrahamic religions.  That’s evident in most synagogues, churches and mosques in Israel, which is supposedly a democracy that includes both Jews and Muslims.         

Friedman has asserted that Netanyahu has set Israel on a suicide course of “reckless economic, military and moral overstretch--committing seven million Jews to control more than seven million Palestinians. Friedman agrees with former prime minister Ehud Barak, that “Israel faces the most serious and dangerous crisis in the country’s history.”  

“Every American should worry about the prospect of a war that would drag the U.S. into a Middle East War to help Netanyahu’s IDF destroy Palestinians.  While it would be insane for Israel and America, It would be a Russian, Chinese, and Iranian dream come true.”  It would give divine sanction to continuing oppression in Israel.

Friedman admits that “If the war only buys Israel another long timeout with Hamas, maybe that’s all that’s possible.  Up to now the real history of the Jews and Palestinians going back to the early 20th century has been: war, timeout, war, timeout, war, timeout, etc.”  If the human depravity of the Middle East is a prelude to its future, we’ll have to live with it longer. 

Friedman should have noted that in the 1st century, Jesus set a precedent for lasting peace and reconciliation in the Middle East with the greatest commandment as a common word of faith.  Some sort of reconciliation between Jews and Palestinians is essential to world peace.  Friedman said, ”As for now, Israel needs to get the hell out of Gaza and back into a timeout.”


See Friedman, American Leaders Should Stop Debasing Themselves on Israel, at  

The following commentaries were written several years ago on The Greatest Commandment as a Common Word of Faith.  See; See also, Love over Law: A Principle at the Heart of Legitimacy; also, Who Is My Neighbor? See; also The Politics of Loving Our Neighbors as Ourselves at; also Musings on a Common Word of Faith and Politics for Christians and Muslims at and 

Musings on Diversity in Democracy: Who Are Our Neighbors? See

See also, Love over Law: A Principle at the Heart of Legitimacy at; see also 

Who Is My Neighbor? At; also, The Politics of Loving Our Neighbors as Ourselves at, and 

Altruism: The Missing Ingredient in American Christianity and Democracy at; and Musings on a Common Word of Faith and Politics for Christians and Muslims at, and Musings on Diversity in Democracy: Who Are Our Neighbors?


Saturday, June 15, 2024

#500: Musings on Why Most Churches Ignore the Moral Teachings of Jesus

By Rudy Barnes, Jr., June 15, 2024

Much has been written on why churches ignore the teachings of Jesus.  After all, Jesus called his disciples to follow him; but Jesus was a Jew who never went to a church.  Thomas Jefferson was a deist and child of the Enlightenment who considered the teachings of Jesus to be “the most sublime moral code ever designed by man,” but he detested church doctrines never taught by Jesus.

The moral teachings of Jesus as the word of God are summarized in the greatest commandment to love God and our neighbors, including those of other races and religions, as we love ourselves.  Those altruistic and universal teachings of Jesus were never popular, and as social institutions in a democracy, churches measure their success by their popularity.

Democracy makes people the masters of their political destiny, but majority rule has allowed unprincipled politicians like Trump in America, Putin in Russia and Netanyahu in Israel to promote divisive tribal politics that subvert the common good to populist nationalism and greed.  That has allowed the depravity of human nature to subvert the altruism taught by Jesus. 

As a retired UMC pastor I have accepted the sad reality that most churches have sacrificed Jesus on the altar of populist radical-right politics, giving corrupt demagogues like Trump moral primacy over Jesus.  Democracy has made popularity the measure of  success in both politics and the church, giving human depravity primacy over the altruism taught by Jesus.

David French is a progressive Christian for whom I have great respect.  Recently French and his family were subjected to harsh treatment by many in his family church over the conflict between his progressive politics and the radical-right views of most in his church; but French should not have been surprised by his church denigrating his progressive views.

I continue to attend my ancestral UMC church even though my views are similar to those of French.  I offered to teach a course on the relevance of the teachings of Jesus to politics, but my pastor discouraged the idea.  Apparently he believes that emphasizing the moral teachings of Jesus would create divisive controversy that would run off members of the congregation.

With popularity the measure of success in politics and the church, the moral teachings of Jesus are no longer prevalent in America (if they ever were); but the church remains a strong social institution so long as it supports current social values.  It will take an emphasis on the greatest commandment as a common word of faith to give Jesus priority in Christianity. 

It seems highly unlikely that the altruistic values in the greatest commandment will ever become popular in a materialistic and hedonistic culture like America; but there should be an emphasis on the the teachings of Jesus for the minority of Christians who believe that those teachings were God’s truth--whether or not they are supported by an institutional church.



David French lamented that The Day My Old Church Canceled Me Was a Very Sad Day.   

He recounts that his home church of the Presbyterian Church of America deemed him “too divisive to speak to a gathering of Christians who share my faith. I was scheduled to speak about the challenges of dealing with toxic polarization, but I was considered too polarizing.” See

Other commentary on the dismal future of a church that has lost its moral compass:

(4/5/15): Seeing the Resurrection in a New Light

(4/19/15): Jesus: A Prophet, God’s Only Son, or the Logos

(10/4/15): Faith and Religion: The Same but Different

(7/9/16): Back to the Future: Race, Religion, Rights and a Politics of Reconciliation

(8/5/16): How Religion Can Bridge Our Political and Cultural Divide

(9/17/16): A Moral Revival to Restore Legitimacy to Our Politics

(9/24/16): The Evolution of Religion and Politics from Oppression to Freedom

(12/31/16): E Pluribus Unum, Religion and a Politics of Reconciliation

(1/7/17): Religion and Reason as Sources of Political Legitimacy, and Why They Matter

(1/21/17): Religion and Reason Redux: Religion Is Ridiculous

(1/28/17): Saving America from the Church

(4/15/17): Easter and the Christian Paradox

(4/22/17): The Relevance of Jesus and the Irrelevance of the Church in Today’s World

(4/29/17): A Wesleyan Alternative for an Irrelevant Church

(6/24/17): The Evolution of Religion, Politics and Law: Back to the Future?

(7/1/17): Religion, Moral Authority and Conflicting Concepts of Legitimacy

(7/15/17): Religion and Progressive Politics

(7/22/17): Hell No!

(8/12/17): The Universalist Teachings of Jesus as a Remedy for Religious Exclusivism

(10/7/17): A 21st Century Reformation to Restore Reason to American Civil Religion

(12/23/17): If Democracy Survives the Trump Era, Can the Church Survive Democracy?

(3/3/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on America’s Holy War

(3/17/18): Jefferson’s Jesus and Moral Standards in Religion and Politics

(3/31/18): Altruism: The Missing Ingredient in American Christianity and Democracy

(4/7/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Need for a Moral Reformation

(4/28/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Virtues and Vices of Christian Morality

(5/5/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Nostalgia as an Obstacle to Progress

(7/1(7/14/18): Musings on Why Christians Should Put Moral Standards Over Mystical Beliefs

(8/4/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Religious Problems and Solutions in Politics

(8/11/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Changing Morality in Religion and Politics

(9/1/18): Musings on the American Civil Religion and Christianity at a Crossroads

(9/29/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Resurrection of Christian Universalism

(10/6/18): Musings on Moral Universalism in Religion and Politics

(11/3/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist: Has God Blessed Us or Damned Us?

(12/1/18): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Mystical Logos

(12/15/18): Musings on the Great Commission and Religious and Political Tribalism

(12/22/18): Musings on Faith and Works: The Unity of All Believers and The Last Judgment

(2/9/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Hypocrisy of American Christianity

(3/2/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on a Post-Christian America

(3/9/19): Musings on the Degradation of Democracy in a Post-Christian America

(3/16/19): Musings on the Evolution of Christian Exclusivism to Universalism

(3/23/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Thinking Outside the Box

(5/4/19): Musings on the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

(5/11/19): Musings on the Relevance of Jefferson’s Jesus in the 21st Century

(5/18/19): Outsiders Versus Insiders in Religion, Legitimacy and Politics

(5/25/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Divinity and Moral Teachings of Jesus

(6/8/19): The Moral Failure of the Church to Promote Altruism in Politics

(6/15/19): Back to the Future: A 21st Century Pentecost for the Church

(6/22/19): The Universal Family of God: Where Inclusivity Trumps Exclusivity

(7/13/19): Musings on Sovereignty and Conflicting Loyalties to God and Country

(8/3/19): Musings on the Dismal Future of  the Church and Democracy in America

(8/10/19): Musings on Christian Nationalism: A Plague on the Church and Democracy

(8/31/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Politics of Christian Zionism

(9/7/19): Musings on the Self-Destruction of Christianity and American Democracy

(9/14/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Chaos as a Prelude to a New Creation

(10/5/19): Musings on the Moral Relevance of Jesus to Democracy

(11/9/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on a Virtual Alternative to a Failing Church

(11/16/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Irrelevance of Morality in Politics

(11/23/19): Musings on Jesus and Christ as Conflicting Concepts in Christianity

(12/7/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Religious Triumphalism and Politics

(12/14/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Prophets, Scripture and God’s Truth

(12/28/19): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the End as a New Beginning

(1/11/20): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Christians as a Moral Minority

(2/1/20): Musings on the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Altar of Partisan Politics

(6/13/20): Was Jesus the Prophet of the Gospels or the Christ of the Church?

(11/21/20): Democracy Has Survived Donald Trump, but Can the Church Survive Democracy?

(12/19/20): Musings on Finding a Path to Reconcile America’s Polarized partisan Democracy

(1/16/21): Truth and Reconciliation in Politics and Religion in a Maze of Conflicting Realities

(2/20/21): The Moral Corruption of Christianity and Democracy in the Trump Era

(3/20/21): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Radical Moral Teachings of Jesus

(3/27/21): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on a Civil Religion in a Divided America

(4/17/21): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Future of the Church

(4/24/21): How a Fading Church Could Help Reconcile America’s Polarized Politics

(5/15/21): Musings on the Moral Failure of American Christianity and Democracy

(5/22/21): Musings on Morality and Politics and the Need for a Civil Religion in America

(7/17/21): Christianity and Politics: Separated by Irreconcilable Differences

(8/14/21): Musings on Conflicting Concepts of God’s Truth in Christianity

(10/16/21): Musings on a Malevolent Malaise Infecting American Democracy

(1/15/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on America’s Morally Muddled Mainstream

(1/22/22): Musings on Popularity as a Corrupting Influence in Democracy and Christianity

(1/29/22): Musings on the Inadequacy of Religious Moral Standards in American Democracy

(4/23/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Why Americans Are Losing Their Religion

(4/30/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Obsolescence of Christianity in Politics

(6/25/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Church and the Greatest Commandment

(7/23/22): Musings on Moderating Extremism in American Religion, Legitimacy and Politics

(8/6/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Moderating Hatred in Partisan Politics

(8/13/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Religion and the Wisdom of God

(11/5/22): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on Jesus, the Church and Christian Nationalism

(11/12/22): Musings on the Need for a Civil Religion in America’s Dysfunctional Democracy

(12/10/22): Musings on the Evolution of  Christianity into the American Civil Religion

(3/11/23): Musings of a Maverick  Methodist on the Future of Christianity and Democracy

(3/18/23): An 18th Century Preview of America’s Political and Religious Schisms

(3/25/23): Confessions of a Maverick Methodist Skeptic on Religion, Legitimacy and Politics

(5/6/23):  Musings on Christians Uncomfortable in Churches Without a Moral Compass

(6/24/23): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Cost of  Discipleship to the Church

(7/22/23): Musings on the Need for Altruism in Christianity and the American Civil Religion

(8/19/23): Musings of a Maverick Methodist on a Universal and Altruistic Jesus

(9/2/23): Musings on How Christianity Has Corrupted American Democracy

(10/7/23): Musings on the Demise of America’s Dysfunctional Democracy and the Church

(12/23/23) Musings on the Advent of Jesus as the Light of the World and the Universal Logos

(3/2/24):  Musings of a Maverick Methodist on the Need for an Unconventional Faith

(3/27/24): Musings on Going Back to the Future on the Evolution of Christianity